Sunday, October 31, 2004

Joyous Samhain!

(c) Andy Ternay
  • Part of the Cave

  • Yesterday I hosted my coven for Samhain. It has been a brutally tough time for my little group. Elk is dying of cancer. Morningstar has family in and out of the hospital and she herself is having breathing problems. Indra has had to move. Pheonix is experiencing a family nightmare that I won't go into except to say that I believe in her, her daughter and her husband. Lady Moonwolf has had two cats killed cruelly by unknown persons? animals?

    It has not been easy. Also, I feel that as a Pagan, my holidays are overlooked by the public, so I want to do them up right!!

    Lady Moonwolf and I hosted a pretty big ritual. It was the Chauvet Cave ritual I had dreamed of doing for quite a while. In fact I first thought of it way back in July and then started to bring it to fruition in September. Lady Moonwolf wrote the ritual, I built the cave.

    Feel free to have a tour. The movie is not well filmed. Sorry, I am learning.

    It was a good ritual, thanks to Lady Moonwolf. She did a knockout job. I also think that Ancestors and the Lord and Lady were with us and I thank Them.

    Today I got to see my old friends, Matt and Al. Al was my best man and Matt was one of my groomsman. So it was nice to see they were confident that we would be good parents. Matt looked good and I like his new pimpmobile. It is a smokin' caddy. Oddly enough, he was in town for a Handfasting! Matt isn't a Pagan, so it is funny how he has many friends who are.

    Rebecca, I am not ignoring your comments. I read all of them. After Nov. 3rd or so, I look forward to being a little more responsive!

    Omni, thank you for your Anniversary wishes.

    Tracy, where would the world be without a Hatchet Slut (this is a don't ask, don't tell). Love you like a mirror and wish you the best of all things.

    Samhain blessings to all!

    Good Evening Goddess Brigit, my name is Andy and I am an alcoholic. I have been kept sober since Imbolc 2001 by Your grace and Your grace alone. Today was a good day to be sober! Thank You, Blessed Be!