Tuesday, March 01, 2005


  • These are some of the affirmations I used for theArtist’s Way program. Sorry about the crappy photo.

  • Omni was asking me if I had tried affirmations.

    Yes and no. When I first got sober I had various people tell me that I should practice affirmations. I did not really know what an affirmation was so I kind of did it in a haphazard way for a while and got no results. Upon working the Artist’s Way program, I started to really use affirmations on a regular basis, but still without a good grasp of what an affirmation really was. So, I had these vaguely positive notions written down that I was copying and saying, but they were not very focused or sincere.

    Nonetheless, I did get results. I have many full journals and now I have this blog. One of the things I was trying to affirm was that I was a writer and that I would write. I’d kind of hoped to get money for writing, but hey, one step at a time. I’ll put a PayPal link up and you guys can reward pearls of wisdom. Actually, based on today’s journalism, I think there is more money to be made from pearls of ignorance.

    Years ago, my mother who was a private practice psychologist used to have a book called Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. Recently I bought a copy of that book, along with a work book for it. Okay, so recently was a year ago. I worked the first 20 or so pages of it and put it back on the shelf. Sometimes there just is not time for the things I really want to do. (BTW, Omni, if you don't own this book, it is right up your alley, her words remind me so much of things you have said. I did notice on Amazon that someone was selling a used copy for $0.01 so the price is right.)

    Nonetheless, I did at least get a definition of the word affirmation from that book, a definition that I can quote without even looking it up.

    An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.

    So, really, I have not truly tried affirmations yet. But there are things in my life where an affirmation would probably help. For example, if I want to lose weight my affirmation should not be: I will lose weight (see my post on magick and invocation to learn about the other issues with this statement). Another ineffective affirmation would be: I will be muscular and trim.

    An effective affirmation would be specific, detailed and fit the above definition: Andy is a trim and fit guy who lost weight by working out, walking and making positive changes in his diet.

    Daily I would write and tell myself: Andy is a trim and fit guy. I would also need to take action on this, looking at my diet and exercising more.

    I have not actually done any of this yet. I really should though. Maybe I need another affirmation; one that details a concrete and explicit reward for the action. How about: Andy is a fit and trim guy with lots of attractive, scantily-clad women attracted to him.

    That sounds better! The only problem that I see with that affirmation is that I am married, so: Andy is a fit and trim guy with lots of attractive, scantily-clad women attracted to him and his wife wants a threesome with one of those chicks—heck, maybe she wants a foursome—or more!

    Okay, I’ve got my affirmation and I am ready to go. Omni, I’ll post updates on the progress with this as it goes along.