Saturday, May 14, 2005

Create Your Own Reality

There is this idea from quantum physics, magick, religion, philosophy, or wherever, that individual people can create their own reality. That before the truly successful businessperson succeeds they have said definitively: I am a success. Following the setting of that intention, the forces of creation, however you might understand them, align themselves in such a manner that this individual person then becomes successful. In other words, by stating that his/her success was a fact; would indeed happen, this one person caused this to happen.

I am now aware of many different ways to set this intention:

  • As a spell. As part of deliberate act of magick an intention is woven into a ritualized ceremony.

  • As an affirmation. Shakti Gawain defines an affirmation as a strong, positive statement that something is already so. Scott Adams has a similar yet semantically different take; he calls on you to write what you want to achieve 15 times per day until it happens.

  • As a prayer. We have all encountered this sort of prayer and for some folks it does seem to work. Interestingly enough, for others, it does not.

  • As an unspoken, unwritten, certainty in one's own mind.

    Insofar as I can tell, the method used is almost irrelevant. I say almost because I do suspect that somebody who absolutely did not believe in magick would probably not succeed using a spell and a true athiest would probably not succeed with prayer. In the movie What the @*!&% do we know one of the scientists said something interesting about the limits of positive thinking to the effect of positive thinking as a thin veneer over a bottomless sea of negative thinking won't overcome all that negativity.

    Assuming that this works, and I have gathering evidence that it does; what are the limits? Because I do think there are some limits. I can pray, do spells, write affirmations saying that I, Andy, unaided can fly. But when I jump off that cliff, will I fly? I can pray, do spells, write affirmations saying that Jennifer from high school, who I had such a crush on, will want to have sex with Andy and will go and find Andy and proceed to do some freaky stuff with him. Will Jennifer, who is having her own life somewhere, suddenly up and start doing Google searches for Andy? I don't like the CFO of the company I work for. If I do daily affirmations, spells and prayers that he commit suicide with a pistol, will he do so?

    I do want to say that I have strong ethical problems with the last two examples above. In my mind, using these means as a way to affect the thoughts and behavior of others is inappropriate. I am responsible for my life; not yours, even though I could clearly run yours better than you do (again, in my mind).

    I'm going to leave this where it is for today. This is where I am getting distracted. So I am going to show you one of the affirmations I am doing now and hope that some people will have a reaction or thought on what I have proposed above.

    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.
    Anwen will be a healthy, happy baby.

    Blessings to all.
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