Baby Names
Right! Who wants to help Laura and I name our daughter? Good. Note: Turner is not my last name, but is phonetically close and can be used to accurately determine how a name might sound. Meanings given are for first name only. One final thing: this is my first table, ever. So if anyone can explain what HTML I forgot or added that causes such a large space between the text and the table, I would be grateful.
First | Middle | Last | Language | Meaning |
Adain | Ruth | Turner | Welsh | Winged |
Amara | Ruth | Turner | German/Ethiopian | Eternal/Paradise |
Andra(ste) | Ruth | Turner | Celtic | Goddess of Victory |
Andrea | Ruth | Turner | Latin | Strong |
Anwen | Ruth | Turner | Welsh | Very Beautiful |
Diana | Ruth | Turner | Latin | Divine |
Tatiana | Ruth | Turner | Romanian | Unknown |
Tiana | Ruth | Turner | Native American: Omaha | Returning Moon |
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