Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What Do You Get When You Mix An Evangelical Christian Conservative, a Lesbian English Professor, a Hip Urban Pagan Chick and a Libertarian Pirate?

Why, you get the wonderful guest bloggers who will be here when I am out!

As most readers know, I am heading into surgery early tomorrow. I should be fine; I will be in the hands of some excellent surgeons. As it so happens, you, my readers, will be in the hands of some excellent bloggers; I have a assembled a very diverse group of folks with a great variety of viewpoints to entertain you in my absence. Just to give you a brief introduction to my guests:

  • Beth from yeah, right, whatever who is a politically a conservative and an Evangelical Christian. I have yet to find anything at all I agree with her about other than that we both need oxygen, water and food to survive; yet she is a pleasure to disagree with because she has always treated me with respect. She was one of the Co-Organizers of the 2005 Texas Blogfest for which she deserves many accolades. I find her blog infuriating politically, yet witty and entertaining and often very emotionally warm on issues aside from politics.

  • Ender from Red Monkey. Ender and I have a long and odd history; she was my very first girlfriend, but it turned out she was as interested in girls as I was. Somehow the Goddess navigated me through the minefields of adolescent rejection and incomprehension to an understanding that even if we could not date we could become friends; and close friends we have remained. Until recently she was a Writing Professor at Notre Dame University. She is, I believe, becoming a liberal Christian with a lot of Native American influences in her faith. She and her spouse, Amber (who is kick ass entirely on her own) live in Indiana.

  • NYPaganChick at The Naked Truth shares my Pagan faith. My confession is that when I very first saw her blog and the title, I patiently went through her blog from start to finish and was rather disappointed that the title did not actually mean she herself was naked. I was rewarded because I got to meet someone new who has a great sense of humor, a perceptive eye and a fun outlook on life. Politically she is in my end of the spectrum, a progressive. She is also a proud New Yorker and a Latina. Oh, um, regarding nakedness, she does offer a lust du jour every now and again...

    ...Also she is looking for a job (somewhere besides Wisconsin apparently).

  • Our final guest blogger is my old friend El Capitan from Baboon Pirates. El Capitan is a very talented writer; a Libertarian politically (for the most part) and an Agnostic when it comes to faith. He and I disagree an awful lot, but almost always I come away from our disagreements with a new perspective and a greater understanding of the issue in question. I hate to admit it, but sometimes he is even right. El Capitan is a gun aficianado with a great deal of skill in that field; a chef, and a bit of a pirate in all the best ways.

    So there you have it: conservative to liberal, Agnostic to Pagan, straight to gay and all great people and great writers. It's really an honor to have these folks here. Please enjoy their visit; I know I will.

    My wife will post brief health updates as warranted.

    Quick Miscellaneous Notes
    I did do something yesterday that I have meant to do for a long, long, time. I wrote, got witnessed and notarized the following:
  • Power of Attorney in case I become incapacitated or die.
  • Medical Power of Attorney for the same reason.
  • Advanced Directive to physicians and Jeb Bush.
  • Guardianship of Child in case of incapacitation or death.
  • Last Will and Testament

    They were not all that hard to do and I recommend that you do so as well. This means that Laura will not have those additional stresses should something go wrong.

    Of course I directed that my remains should be cremated and a small portion of them be put into envelopes and mailed anonymously to all elected Republican officials. Is it too over the top to ask a small note that simply says Anthrax be included?

    You can find out more here. That site will not help Texans though. You just have to wade through the Texas government site like I did to find the forms.

    Last Topic
    Karl "Benedict" Rove: Look, the upshot is this. There is nothing Karl Rove has done that is so terrible that he can't make up for it by going to Iraq and clearing IED's off the roads so that our soldiers don't get hurt. If he would do that from now until when the war ended, I'd consider his debt to society paid.

    The man is a scumbag; always has been, always will be. The only thing that has changed is that we can now put the word treasonous in front of scumbag.

    Peace to ya'll
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of Her hand.
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