Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Needed: A Personal Relationship to the Goddess

Wiccan Author Phyllis Currott of the Temple of Ara asserts in her book WitchCrafting that the whole point to Wicca and the practice of magic is to achieve a connection with the Divine. In Her view, magic is done only with the consent and aid of the Divine—she views it as almost some sort of working partnership between the Witch and the Goddess. The purpose of such a partnership is to learn how to have a relationship with the Divine and what the Divine will for us is. To me this makes a great deal of sense. I have never understood or related to the idea the we get to tell the Goddess, nature, the elements or any other spiritual being what they need to be doing.

WitchCrafting also rejects the idea that Wicca/Paganism/Witchcraft lack validity as spiritual paths because of the invalidity of the history previously claimed to support them. In essence Currott admits that there is no convincing evidence of a worldwide, or European and Middle Eastern Goddess religion that was supplanted by a patriarchical, hostile God based religion. Nor is Witchcraft/Wicca or Paganism an unbroken tradition handed down intact through the dark ages and the inquisition. Those of us who practice Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism—we are practicing what is essentially a brand new religion.

We do try to use what we know of the old pre-Christian European religions, but we are not bound by history to dully repeat what has been done before. We are free to create our own traditions. All of this is dependant upon a personal relationship with the Divine.

So, in essence, Wicca/Paganism/Witchcraft all are Gnostic religions in the literal meaning of the word. Gnosis is the “revealed knowledge” of God. This is what we get from a practice of Wicca, a personal relationship with a kind and loving Goddess (or Lord and Lady if you prefer. I am almost Dianic in my Goddess fixation, the Lord is not so important to my traditon, but that is only my experience of gnosis. Your mileage may vary).

That means that each and every Wiccan has her or his own personal experience and conception of Deity. Your conception may not be mine. I find that even in the same tradition the concept of the Divine varies from person to person (some traditions do not tolerate this. I think they are probably Baptists in disguise). It is all personal, and individual experience is what matters.

This is a very familiar construct to me. In Alcoholics Anonymous were are told that we need a Higher Power and that is frequently defined as “God as we understand him.” Some have mistakenly interpreted the “we” to mean that AA has its own set of dogma about the nature of God. This is simply wrong. Each individual member of AA must define God for herself or himself.

No wonder I feel at home in the chaos of Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism. There is no central dogma (despite the efforts of some try to impose one) and it all boils down to an individual relationship with the Creator.

Now that is some powerful Magick right there.

Good Morning Goddess Brigit, my name is Andy and I am an alcoholic. You graced me with sobriety on February 2nd of 2001 and I thank You for that gift. I know I cannot do it alone. Please be with me today all through the day and help me to stay sober all day long. Lead me and guide me in Your will. I will do my part and leave the outcomes up to You.

Thank You,

Blessed Be!